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Claim daily your Loyalty Reward

Use your daily rolls and earn some AP

Exchange your TMG to AP and get EXP

Earn a bunch of AP by making offers

You can also get more AP with our Referral Program the Games (crash, dice,...), with the chat, visiting Wheel-shortlinks, and other events...

Loyalty Reward
Every day you can claim a loyalty reward.
The reward increases if you claim multiple days in a row!

You claimed 0 Day(s) in a row!

Next reward: 11 AP

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Here is how results are generated for all games:

1. Generate HMAC SHA256, like this:

2. 2. Split bytes into pairs, and generate decimals like this:
for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  resultnumber += parseInt(hash.substr(i*2, 2),16)/Math.pow(256, i+1);
return resultnumber;

3. Depending on the game, generate the result from the resultnumber:
- For Dice : just multiply resultnumber by 10000
- For Crash : (1/resultnumber)*0.95
- For Slot : multiply resultnumber by 10000 then replace number by the symbol (0 = S, L, O or T).



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